Working at a company is like dating – you should not stay on if you are not happy or believe there is someone better suited for you. Do not stay put at your current job when there are new opportunities, or you can create opportunities. Reach out to a CV writer and prepare to change jobs. It is a great way to move up the career ladder, and here are the reasons why:
Before you leap, look
Look at your current job and why you want to hop. Is it a push or a pull? If it is the latter, could you perhaps be more enterprising in your current role and create opportunities?
A move too soon could also be ill-advised. On average, it takes about a year to get comfortable at a new job. For senior roles, it could take longer before you see the impact of your initiatives. If you have not spent enough time at your current job, it may be hard to define your achievements. You (or your CV writer) could be on a fishing expedition to prepare an attractive resume. Perhaps if you stay longer at your current job, you will have clearer achievements. Plus, you can use what you have learnt to refine your strategy, tactics and style for the new position.
With that in mind, below are reasons why changing jobs is a great way to move up the career ladder.
It is a fresh start
A change is as good as a rest. We know what rest does to our brains; it spurs new energy and creativity, and that is what you want to sustain throughout your career.
All jobs tend to spiral to boredom as you stay on. Usually, after three years on a job, people realize they are familiar with everything about the role. At that juncture, you can look at your regular performance reviews. If you are satisfied with what you see, consider shifting jobs. Moving to a new company means that you will be working for a new manager, dealing with new challenges, and learning new approaches to solve problems.
It could re-ignite your passion, energy and creativity.
Your experience broadens
Job hunting by itself is a great experience. Besides learning from CV writers how to keep your resume and LinkedIn profile attractive, it makes you have more appreciation for what you have. You could also be motivated to make positive career moves like improving your skills. It keeps you agile.
Changing jobs exposes you to new experiences with different organizations. Sometimes it cuts across sectors. People with transferable skills, like accountants and admin staff, find this particularly beneficial. Experience with one industry could be valuable for another employer.
Your value increases
Broad experience, renewed zeal, and focused energy have a predictable outcome – better output and a more valuable employee. It is no wonder several surveys affirm that it pays to switch jobs. Even if you are making lateral moves, switching employers can significantly boost your value.
Finally, it is easier and less scary – a CV writer can help
There are many other reasons why switching jobs is a good and effective strategy for career growth. The above are only a few of the top ones. Nevertheless, many people still avoid shifting jobs due to one reason – fear. If you have carefully considered your position, there is no reason to fear. Reach out to a CV writer, and get help to make the switch. It can propel your career growth.